March in the Senior Room
It has been a busy month in 4th, 5th and 6th class. We have been working hard in all subject areas. Here is some of our work on display.
In art we painted St. Patrick’s Day shamrocks using different items to create texture. We used thinks like toothbrushes, glue spreaders, finger stampers and lollipop sticks.
For Easter we painted and decorated our own Fabergé style eggs.
We drew these distorted stars and coloured them in silver and blue and gold and bronze.
In Science we learned about various birds and the different types of nests they build. We wrote up our findings and then went on a walk around the school grounds to see if we could spot any nests. There were none to be seen in the school grounds but we did spot some crows nesting in trees across the road.
In History we learned about The Industrial Rvolution which happened in Britain in the 1800s. In groups we did a mini project on this topic.