Spring Cleaning in Castlecomer!
As part of the National Spring Clean, Wandesforde National School pupils took part in a huge clean up day on Thursday 19th April. The campaign was organised at local level by students in Transition Year from the Community School in Castlecomer. The students came to the school early on Thursday morning and we were ready for action! We picked up litter, swept the paths, picked up twigs, dug up weeds and made sure the grounds of the school and surrounding areas were spotless! Some children received a baseball hat with the letters MLH, meaning “Make Litter History”. A huge thank you to the students from the Community School and their teacher Mr.Behan for their help and co-ordination of this campaign. Here are some photos of the pupils, doing their bit for the community….
Well done everybody!
2 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning in Castlecomer!”
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Great photos, the kids look like they had a good time as well as working hard.
Great to see the kids being involved in local community activities through the school 🙂