Category Blog, Green Flag, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom

Diocesan Eco Award

We were thrilled at Wandesforde School to be awarded a Diocesan Eco Award. The award recognises the efforts we have made to be more eco friendly and encourage biodiversity in our school grounds.

Some of the activities we have undertaken in the last few years include planting trees, putting out hedgehog hibernation houses, planting a variety of flowering shrubs to encourage more insects to our grounds and putting out bird feeders in our grounds.

We got a certificate, wooden plaque and buddhelia plant also known as a butterfly bush 🙂

Image result for buddhelia

Category Blog, Green Flag, Junior Classroom, Middle Classroom, Senior Classroom |

4 Responses to Diocesan Eco Award

  1. Fiona Joyce says:

    What a great achievement. Well done to all involved. Comhghairdeas libh go lear. ??

  2. Susan Peavoy says:

    Well done Ms. Power and all the Green Schools Committee on this great achievement! The plaque is really lovely in the corridor 😉

  3. Bob Murphy says:

    Congrats and well done. Showing great example.

  4. Davina says:

    Well done to the Green School’s Committee! It’s nice to be acknowledged by others for the work you do 🙂

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