Category Blog, Class Work, Drama, Drama, English, Funky Kids, Junior Classroom, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education, SPHE, Visual Arts

New Activities this November

November has been another busy month for the Junior Classroom. Take a look at all their hard work below!

In Religion, the children have been learning about the Story of Jonah and so they made their own whales out of polystyrene cups!

We have had great fun singing all the well known Nursery Rhymes in Music and the children made their own Nursery Rhyme Booklet of rhymes they have learned.

 In English, the children have learned a lot of new letters this month. They even made some “Pretty Paper Peacocks” to support work on the letter “Pp”

We all enjoyed “Looking and Responding” to the work of the American Artist, Georgia O’ Keefe whose most famous paintings were based on flowers. Take a look below at the children’s own interpretations of her floral artwork!

In Drama, Funky Kids have kept us on our toes this month and the children have had great fun designing their own costumes as well as the backdrop for their show. Take a sneak peek below at a sample of what’s in store for you all at the Funky Kids Show on Monday, 10th December and Tuesday, 11th December!

In P.E. the children had their first experience of Gymnastics this year and they really enjoyed all the work on benches and mats

Finally in SPHE, the children learned about their emotions and created their own “Feeling Face” to show us how we can sometimes feel!

Well done to you all for a great month’s work!


Category Blog, Class Work, Drama, Drama, English, Funky Kids, Junior Classroom, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education, SPHE, Visual Arts |

3 Responses to New Activities this November

  1. Lorna says:

    Well done indeed. Loving your blue whales and we’re all really looking forward to the Funky Kids show

  2. Jan says:

    What brilliant creative work everyone! How do you fit so much in to one month!!!!! 🙂 Well done!!!!

  3. Davina says:

    Thank you Lorna and Jan:) 1 week to go until the Funky Kids Show!! There’ll
    be great excitement in school this week with the build up to their Christmas Show:)

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