Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, Junior Classroom, Our Work on Display, Science, Visual Arts

Amazing April work in the Junior Room!

We were busier than ever during the month of April in Wandesforde. In English we continue to learn our sounds and tricky words.

In Art we created paintings using the Pointillism method, we used cotton buds to make nice, bright balloons!

In SESE we were learning about day time and night time. We sorted pictures into day and night and also learned about the sun, moon and stars. We also drew pictures of the night sky, learned about Neil Armstrong, the 1st man on the moon and drew his rocket ‘Apollo 11.’

We also created our own Solar Systems in Art.

We were busy in the school garden sowing vegetables.

Finally we were excited by some new arrivals to our class…… caterpillars! They were tiny when they arrived but are growing bigger every day, we will keep you posted on how they get on during May. Fingers crossed we will have some beautiful butterflies emerging in our room soon.

Category Blog, Class Work, English, Geography, Junior Classroom, Our Work on Display, Science, Visual Arts |

One Response to Amazing April work in the Junior Room!

  1. Susan Peavoy says:

    Fantastic work boys and girls! I can’t wait to hear about the caterpillars ???and hopefully see some pretty butterflies very soon!! Well done on all your hard work with Ms. Power!

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